Nigeria news

🇳🇬Nigeria 🏙AM 📰News 🗓June 30

📰 *IH3*: Kidnapped 👔Director Freed After Paying😓 Ransom💰 - (Type IH3 for more)

📰 *IH1*: Heavy ☔Rainfall Causes 🌊Flooded Ogba 🛣Road - (Type IH1 for more)

📰 *IG9*: 🇬🇧UK Deports 28 🇳🇬Nigerians Over Illegal Stay - (Type IG9 for more)

📰 *IG7*: 🇳🇬Nigeria Exports 72 Tonnes of Yam🍠 - (Type IG7 for more)

📰 *IG5*: Kidnap 👑Kingpin, Evans, Files Lawsuit Against 👮Police - (Type IG5 for more)

📰 *IG3*: 💰₦aira Closes at ₦366/💲 - (Type IG3 for more)

Type II3 to read all of these articles

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