See The Foods An HIV Patient Would Eat To Stay Healthy And Strong
Cutting back on less nutritious, higher fat, processed foods (there' s no need to eliminate treats completely) can help you maintain a healthy weight— and is better for your heart and body in general. A well- balanced diet provides all of the: energy you need to keep active throughout the day. nutrients you need for growth and repair, helping you to stay strong and healthy and help to prevent diet- related illness, such as some cancers.
Good Nutrition Improves Well- Being.
It' s Expensive To Be Unhealthy.
Helps You Manage A Healthy Weight.
Maintains Your Immune System.
Delays the Effects Of Aging.
Gives You Energy.
Reduces The Risk of Chronic Disease.
Good nutrition is key to overall health and can help you live long and well with HIV. A well- balanced diet is important for maintaining energy and strength, promoting good immune function, reducing the risk of health problems and improving quality of life.
This is especially true for people living with HIV, as the virus can increase nutritional needs, and poor nutrition can worsen disease progression. HIV- positive people who are on antiretroviral treatment and have an undetectable viral load and a near- normal CD4 T- cell count can generally follow the same nutrition guidelines as the population at large. But people with HIV are more likely to have health problems such as cardiovascular disease, and dietary modifications can help reduce the risk.
As a HIV Positive Patients, Here Are Four Healthy Food You Must Eat, To Look Healthy And Avoid Weight Loss:
1) Water and other fluids are an important part of your diet. Water is a major component of the body' s cells, and it is necessary for proper digestion. Some experts recommend drinking eight glasses of water per day. If you have a fever, vomiting or diarrhea, your fluid intake should be increased. To keep well hydrated, drink throughout the day before you feel thirsty. Other fluids can help fulfill your daily needs, but go easy on sweetened beverages— and even natural fruit juices— that are high in sugar as well as those that contain alcohol. Coffee and tea contain healthful bioflavonoids, but cut back on caffeine if it makes you jittery or interferes with your sleep.
2) Protein provides essential building blocks for making muscles, bones and other tissues. beans, nuts and tofu in addition to lean meat and poultry, seafood, eggs and dairy products.
3) Sugar has pluses and minuses. It supplies essential energy for the body and brain, and it provides extra calories for people who want to gain weight. But too much can contribute to obesity and diabetes. Try to get most sugar from fruit and other whole foods rather than from sweetened drinks and processed foods.
4) Carbohydrates are the body' s main source of fuel and help you maintain energy. Whole- grain bread and cereals, brown rice, beans and lentils contain more nutrients and fiber and provide more sustained energy than white bread, white rice and potatoes.
As a HIV positive patients, if you comply in eating these foods, you will look healthy and never have fear of weight loss, you should eat healthy foods, to avoid weight loss, Eat foods high in these vitamins and minerals, which can help boost your immune system: Vitamin A and beta- carotene: dark green, yellow, orange, or red vegetables and fruit; liver; whole eggs; milk. B vitamins: meat, fish, chicken, grains, nuts, white beans, avocados, broccoli, and green leafy vegetables.
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